STJ Women: 2025

Mon./Wed. @6:30pm & Thurs. @9am | STJ Women has many great small groups throughout the year both during the day and in the evenings.

Because we meet at various locations throughout our community, we have provided a quick and easy way to stay up-to-date ~ Simply register ONCE to receive regular text messages if you opt-in by texting "YES" to #874-47.

Maybe a new Connect Group comes online, or an evening Gathering - we will shoot you a text with date, time, location in case you would want to join us!

-Mondays - 6:30pm
-Wednesdays - 6:30pm
-Thursdays - 9:00am

Excited to do life...together!
Would you like to stay up - to - date with our STJ Women's Groups? Sign up below, and text "YES" to #874-47!



Mon./Wed. @6:30pm & Thurs. @9am
STJ Women has many great small groups throughout the year both during the day and in the evenings.

Because we meet at various locations throughout our community, we have provided a quick and easy way to stay up-to-date ~ Simply register ONCE to receive regular text messages if you opt-in by texting "YES" to #874-47.

Maybe a new Connect Group comes online, or an evening Gathering - we will shoot you a text with date, time, location in case you would want to join us!

-Mondays - 6:30pm
-Wednesdays - 6:30pm
-Thursdays - 9:00am

Excited to do life...together!